We-Shifter Integration

We-Shifter helps save hours!

We-Shifter has now been running over 6 months and is making a big difference to just under 100 shops who we're getting tired of re-keying estimates into their Panel System or ORM. 

Do yourself (or your office staff) a favour and give it a go, you can 
even put it on more than one computer in your shop and the monthly subscription 
stays at $25 +gst.

Let us know if you’d like to get going with a FREE trial (we 
can set you up over the phone) or even talk to one of the shops already using 

Just email back: CONFIRM – I’D LIKE TO TRIAL WE-SHIFTER and 
we’ll be in touch!



  • we capture, we shifter, form, we capture images,
  • 0 Utilisateurs l'ont trouvée utile
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